Paul Tsongas Memorial Pander Bear Award 5/31/07

As I mentioned previously, Phil Hare was in town yesterday railing against oil company price gouging and vowing to “fight the high cost of gas”. Whatever. If only it was true.

Instead, Hare engaged in some serious demagoguery saying he has voted for a bill that would allow the DOJ to sue OPEC for conspiracy and going on record supporting a windfall profits tax.

Holy. Freaking. Cats. Haven’t we learned anything from the 80s?

The nonpartisan educational organization Tax Foundation reports that over the last 25 years, oil companies have paid over 2.2 trillion in taxes which is three times what they earned in profits during the same period.

Further, the windfall profits tax enacted in the 80s had the effect of depressing domestic oil production and furthered our dependence on foreign oil.

If the oil companies flee overseas and OPEC refuses to sell us oil rather than risk being sued because of draconian Democrat policies, who will provide our gasoline? Labor unions? Get real.  Hare hatin’ on oil companies is not going to fix high gas prices. It’s Econ 101 baby—supply and demand. If we are smarter about how we use energy and use less, prices will fall.

It’s embarrassing to be represented by a demagogue like Phil Hare who would rather pander to the proles  than do the hard work that will make our nation free of foreign influence.

Phil Hare, the Pander Bear salutes you!

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

This morning while simultaneously reading the Dispatch and surfing the net, I first came across this story about how Phil Hare “wants to fight high cost of gas” and how “(h)e’s convinced oil companies are gouging prices”.

A few minutes later, I was reading this about how the 41 Democrat House Freshmen have selected a registered lobbyist to form it’s PAC. This lobbyist has recently represented such clients as the OIL INDUSTRY, tobacco interests, pharma interests and American Indian gambling interests. It seems that the lobbyist has been removed from several Dem PACs due to conflict of interest concerns.

Ethics watchdog groups and the GOP are calling this a contradiction of Dems promise to end the culture of corruption in DC.

Gee, ya think?

Around And Around

Well it sounds so sweet I had to take me a chance……

*Miss USA booed in Mexico City at Miss Universe pageant. But hey, why are we asking ourselves why do “they” hate us? Don’t “they” want to know why we hate them? Oh sure, the Mexicans are just simple people who want to make a better living for themselves and their families. Except they won’t make the same demands on their own government that they demand on ours. What’s not to like—-more hostile Mexicans crossing our borders demanding rights they won’t demand of their own government?

* When Cindy Sheehan was bashing Bush on the Iraq War the Democrats and Democrat Press were shouting “you go girl”. But once Cindy demanded accountability from the Democrats, well the Dems and the Dem press just lost interest. If you aren’t bashing Bush, you have no credibility with the press.

*The current FEC draft audit shows that in the ’04 campaign for POTUS, John Kerry broke spending limits by more than 1.4 mil, mostly because of the two pimped-out campaign planes he used. Forget the War in Iraq, is there any doubt that a pampered prince like Kerry would have driven our economy into bankruptcy by now?

* I hesitate to mention this, but in the interest of science I must report that scientists have discovered that semen is an anti-depressant in women. The study shows that women who didn’t use condoms during intercourse are happier—to say nothing of the men! Quoth the study: “semen contains powerful—and potentially addictive—mood-altering chemicals.”

Well yeah, men have been telling us this for decades—-that and “if you don’t do me I’ll go crazy!”

I’m sorry, but just because this “study” appeared in Psychology Today doesn’t make it true.

We Already Know That Democats Are Terrified By Fox News…

So how will they handle this HuffingtonPost/Rosen project called Off the Bus?This is a project sponsored by left-wing blogger Arianna Huffington and left-wing NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen who are looking for people to cover the various POTUS campaigns from a non-MSM POV. Laudable. Except….

Will the Democrats demand that all the “off the bus” bloggers pass a litmus test swearing they are  anti-war and pro-abortion?

And why on earth would any sane GOP candidate allow a Huffington/Rosen person to cover their campaign? Isn’t there enough left-wing hate spewing as it is? Why let left-wingers into your inner circle so they can spew more venom than they already do?

Note to all GOP POTUS candidates: Kick all “off the bus” bloggers off the bus.

Should 5% Appear Too Small Be Thankful I Don’t Take It All

I’m not going to link to Obama’s and Edwards’ plans for “universal” health care. Anyone interested in this stuff will already know about it and those of us who believe that the federal government is too incompetent to find it’s nether region with both hands will have wandered off long ago. I guess that’s one of the major divides between liberals and conservatives.

But nevermind that. USA Today is reporting that due to accounting practices in the federal government, there is 59 TRILLION hidden debt in the US government due to social security, medicare and federal retirement plans. These account for 85% of taxpayer liabilities.

Phil Hare may be able to rattle off how much the war in Iraq costs us per minute, but will Hare tell us what his federal retirement plan is costing us per minute? Hare is double dipping—-he gets federal retirement due his 20+ years of being Evans’ toady, plus he gets his salary for being our Specially Selected Congressman. Sweet, huh? Will any of our brave media outlets ask Hare what he plans to do about the 59 trillion that funds his retirement ? I ain’t gonna hold my breath.

But to hell with local politics—-the politburo has the death grip on that—a better question would be to the 18 people currently running for POTUS, which is “Just what the hell are you going to do about this unfunded liability?”

I do hope someone brings all our socialist Democrat candidates back to earth by demanding they define their plan to  fix the 59 TRILLION before they add TRILLIONS more for “universal” healthcare.

UPDATE: For those frothing about Obama’s healthcare plan, check out this post by our Hands Across the Water left-wing blogger.(Link fixed)

For insider stuff, both left and right, you can’t beat the Iowegians.

No Time For The Killin’ Floor

If your interest in Iraq goes beyond the mindless daily body counts of the national press, which has lately taken to whining about the military not allowing more photos of dead soldiers on newspaper front pages, then you will enjoy this email with photos from Michael Yon.

Yon isn’t one of those bloggers who sits in the comfort of his own home pontificating about Iraq and what needs to be done; Yon is embedded with the military in Anbar Province and sees what is happening there first hand.

 Yon was able to attend a tribal meeting in Hit, Anbar Province with the US military, the local sheiks and the local police. Horse-trading (camel-trading?) and politicking ensued. It is a fascinating glimpse into how another culture “does business”.

As Yon says, a “huge part of the war is about business, influence and resources.” You’d never know it if you only watched/read the US national press where body counts are the only news that’s fit to print.

Next to those who ignore news altogether, the most ill-informed people in the country are those that only rely on national media for information.

I think Al Gore agrees with me on this.

Quote Of The Day

“(The Democrat Party) should be called the Outdoor Chair Party because it folds so easily” – Don Surber

And speaking of folding, what’s up with Phlip Phloppin’ Phil? In a recent article (sorry, no link, it’s the Dispatch) Phlipper bragged that any appropriations bill would have “strings” on Bush that would include “phased withdrawals”. The only “string” HR2206 contained was gobs and gobs of pork. So much for Nostradamus Hare’s predictions.

The article also quoted Phlipper as saying that he would not vote to deny money to troops in the field, but isn’t that exactly what he did when he voted NO on HR2206 this week?

I wonder who or what made Phlipper flip?

Life Imitates (TV) Art

I first heard about the thugs beating people up behind Boozies from Cruiser. It seems that all the victims had in common was that they were from out of town (Wilton).

I don’t watch that much TV (been watching since the ’50s and it’s not that thrilling anymore) but I am a faithful view of CSI. Last year, there was an episode called Fannysmackin’ about a group of young thugs who roamed the streets of LV looking for tourists to beat up. Why? Because they could. This criminal activity was called “fannysmackin’ by the young thugs since tourists were identified by the fannypacks they usually wore in LV.

I remember thinking after I watched that episode that thank the gods we don’t have to deal with that level of thuggery in the QCs.

But maybe we do. Maybe we are.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

It’s all about the ladies:

Exhibit A: Four women employees of a New Hampshire town were fired for gossiping about an improper relationship between the town administrator and another employee.

My last place of employment was in a high-pressure business and staffed almost exclusively with women. I know from personal experience that our high level of performance depended on coffee, cigarettes and gossip. Maybe OSHA should be looking into this.

Exhibit B:A female blogger has issued a helpful guide to online dating for men. Some tips are: don’t use a photo of yourself in a cowboy hat, don’t use the cringe-inducing phrase “I work hard and play hard” and be sure to check your spelling. Saying that you “perfer smart ladeis” ain’t gonna get the job done pal.

Exhibit C:Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, who brags that he could conquer any woman in two minutes, was shot down with ease by Condi Rice after Aziz attempted to hit on her. Pakistani diplomatic embarrassment and mortification ensued.

Poor Aziz evidently got his American women confused—-it’s Hillary who has a weakness for womanizers.

Exhibit D: Scientists have discovered that a female shark can fertilize her own eggs and bypass male sharks completely.

I guess it’s true what the feminists say: A shark needs a man like a woman needs a bicycle.