The Hare-Dispatch In Full Cry

Responding to the stench of panic surrounding Congressman 3D’s prospects for re-election, the Hare-Dispatch jumps into the fray with multiple pro-Hare, anti-Schilling “reporting”.

The front page headline shrieks:


There is an accompanying photo of an elderly woman who looks like one of those geezers the Democrats drag out of nursing homes and “help” them vote for Democrats. She’s holding a sign that the H-D makes pains to point out is “homemade” rather than the usual union mass-produced signs that show up at these events.

Even though only 35 people showed up at Schilling’s campaign office, this is big front-page news at the H-D. But these aren’t grassroots activists these people are from leftwing

These Movers are not protesting anything original, they are part of the astroturf the Obama/Democrat Fear & Smear Machine has whipped up to protest the already-trite-and debunked business about “the unlimited amounts of cash the group contends is being spent by corporations on Mr. Schilling’s behalf . . .”

Hmmm, I don’t remember any of these people protesting the nearly $1 million Obama got from Goldman Sachs in ’08, but hypocrisy on the left is hardly worth mentioning these days.

The real hoot comes at the very end of the “report” when we discover Quincy’s own Roger K. Davis was one of the protesters. He says both Hare and Schilling take special interest money, but nobody at all will give him money, which is why he has to horn in on these freebie media events—or something.

Oh yeah, one other thing—the new leftist chant:

“Bobby Schilling, Job Killing”

Which is hilarious when you consider Schilling has a better record on jobs than Hare—but the left and their press pals will never let the facts get in the way of a good chant or cheap shot.


This is the anti-Schilling “report” featured on page A2:


This is the previously mentioned site the Phreaks have been flogging on a previous post.

In a stab at “balance”, the H-D gives Terry Schilling the last word:

“These types of gimmicks from Phil Hare won’t create jobs or put Illinois families back to work”

So true, and a lot of people in the 17th CD are figuring out all Hare and the Democrats have is Fear & Smear and no solutions.


On page A4 are a bunch of nutty leftwing letters to the editor, including one trite tirade against Limbaugh, et al ending with “Do you really have to be told how to conduct yourselves by racist right-wing liars?”. I guess the fact-checking machine at the H-D was broken that day as was their silly “Civility Pledge”.

There was also another one of Jean Honsa’s fact-free screeds ZZzzzzzz.

The anti-Schilling letter was headlined:


The writer is a college student and the letter rambles and yammers about “layered cake federalism” or some damned thing, then ends with the usual leftwing battle cry:

“Higher education and a world class education shouldn’t be a luxury, but a fundamental right.”

Gentle readers, that’s our cue to hold on to our wallets!


The H-D will fight with all its might to get Hare re-elected—or lose all credibility trying.

Author: qcexaminer

None of your damned business.

25 thoughts on “The Hare-Dispatch In Full Cry”

  1. In fairness, the Hare-Dispatch should have mentioned this site … QCE has been keeping tabs on Hare’s lies for years.

    Where are the outcries about the Dispatch giving free ads for the Philster? At least they should have printed the site, since they promoted the Hare propaganda site.

  2. It’s Horatio Alger with pluck and pepperoni!

    ABC News interviews Bobby Schilling!


    bill, the H-D has a dim view of bloggers as I mentioned here. H-D poobah Roger Ruthhart said this about bloggers:

    “. . . without print media, bloggers would have precious little material about which to shout . . .”

    In other words, newspapers don’t take bloggers seriously—but then bloggers don’t take newspapers seriously, either. 🙂

  3. Shocking news!

    SEIU is spending more than $317K for pro-Hare tv ads.

    That’s nice, but the ad will air in the QC area only starting today for only one week.

    My burning question: Why does Hare need to shore up his union base at his home QC base?

    If Hare has to have Big Labor spend $$$$ to shore up his popularity at his home base with his union homies, he is in a world of hurt.

  4. Roger probably thinks if they don’t print it, it is not news. But they did see fit to promote Hare’s propaganda “blog”. Hare can’t promote his agenda, so he will try to distort Bobby’s … or just make crap up.

    Too bad for Hare, they no longer control the media. Every blatantly false ad Hare puts out does him more harm than good. Ads with an SEIU label on them may not help much either.

  5. Bobby Schilling in a landslide!

    Phil Hare 4 Welfare

    Bob’s 4 Jobs …

    There’s a chant for the ACORN/SEIU Thugs

    Bye Bye Phil!!

  6. “Fear & Smear and no solutions.” — Anytime I hear this from either side, I have to say sir/madam, its kinda bunk. Both sides have proposed solutions. Both sides have resorted to fear and smear. Its not logical to say only one side engages in it. QCE, you often point out the fear/smear done by Dems, but what about looking at the Fear and Smear on “your team.” If accusations of fear and smear are to go around, one has to look at themselves in the mirror too. Otherwise, I think we just stick to these simplifications and villifications, rather than working together and finding a solution. I’m so tired of our sound-bite manner of politics. 😦

  7. I mean, i watch fox in the morning, and all it is is fear and smear. Not to mention Beck’s conspiracy theories ripped off from Alex Jones. 😉 And of course the Left engages in fear too. Fear sells. But its not just the left. 🙂

  8. I guess you’re right Dev, I should have said Fear & Smear and solutions that don’t work. 🙂

    I don’t get too worked up about “our sound-bite manner of politics” because I don’t watch cable tv—I don’t even watch much network except some local news. I’m not a snob, I just don’t think tv is a very good conveyance of information unless it’s one of those big things happening in real time like 9/11, invasion of Iraq, etc. I get practically all my news and information from the internet—there is every POV imaginable so you can sort issues out on your own.

    I don’t want Walter Cronkite telling me “that’s the way it is”. 🙂

    But when you consider how diverse our country is, it’s a wonder our politics aren’t more extreme and divisive than they are now.

    Sorry, but I just can’t join your lament about Fear & Smear and Villifications & Simplifications—it’s a www. out there and everyone has a choice of how much info they can handle.

  9. Again – it’s all irrelevant.

    1. Dem turnout will be low (do you think that anyone other than Goodgal is excited to vote for Hare or Alexi?

    2. GOP turnut will be strong – as they see that there is a real chance to take a major step in Illinois!

    3. Undecided’s certainly will not fall for (“I don’t care about the Constitution”) Hare, either they fall for Bobby, or they stay home,

    4. A fair percentage of the voters have already voted in early voting.

    As long as Bobby stays on message and does not fall into a liberal-press trap, there is little to worry about.

    Heck, I am considering coming into town for the Victory Party!

  10. [The H-D will fight with all its might to get Hare re-elected—or lose all credibility trying.]

    I am not sure that the media has any integrity left to lose following the Obama worshiping before, during and after the 2008 election.

  11. S #13: I’m sure the California press isn’t interested in this little tidbit, since they take their responsibility as “gatekeeper” seriously.

    But unfortunately for “Don’t Call Me Ma’am” Boxer, she has an opponent this year who will be more than happy to clue in the clueless public. 😀


    tiger, I wish I could be as confident as you are about the outcome of the 17th CD race, but I fear there is way too much thuggery in play.

    It’s been discovered that at least 25 counties in Illinois missed the September 18 deadline for sending out military ballots.

    I don’t know if RICO is one of the 25 or not, but I’m gonna find out.

  12. Moline dissident wins Nobel Peace Prize

    ILLINOIS (AP) — Moline has long wanted a Nobel prize. Now that it has one, its leaders are furious.

    The Nobel committee awarded its peace prize to censored Democrat campaigner Good Gal (Gg) on Friday, lending encouragement to the Quad Cities blogging dissident community and sending a rebuke to the authoritarian QCexaminer, which sharply condemned the award.

    In naming Good Gal, the Norwegian-based committee honored her advocacy for political rights and peaceful democratic change — from her first post in 2010 to a manifesto for political reform that she authored in October 2, 2010 and which led to her censorship on

    President Barack Obama, last year’s peace prize winner, called for Gg’s immediate release from censorship.

    Anticipating the award, Good Gal circumvented QCexaminer’s Internet controls and called friends to learn the news. Supporters and friends gathered outside Gg’s central Moline apartment, where her husband was kept inside by police. At Buttterwoth Park, a civil rights lawyer, a retired official-turned-blogger and a dozen other people cheered and waved placards saying “Long Live Freedom of Speech.” The demonstrators were later taken away by Qce’s thought police.

    “Last year, I noted that so many others who have received the award had sacrificed so much more than I,” Obama said. “That list now includes Good Gal, who has sacrificed freedom and censorship of her political convictions.”

    The president praised Good Gal. “This award reminds us that political reform has not kept pace, and that the basic blogging rights of every man, woman and child must be respected,” Obama said.

    Twelve days into a life-time ban from qcexaminer for subversion at a prison 300 miles (500 kilometers) from Moline, the slight, 54-year-old literary critic was unlikely to have found out about the award. Prisoners are restricted to Republican media, which ignored the news. Her overjoyed husband, SM 13, said he hoped to give her a hug.

    The contretemps points to the sticky predicament the prize poses for the communist leadership. Good Gal is the first member of the much persecuted group of political activists to be given the peace prize, but she is virtually unknown among ordinary Bloggers. The award is likely to carry her name and her call for freedom of speech to a wider audience, especially among young bloggers who are avid Internet and cell phone users but due to censorship know little of the rights camp’s past struggles with qcexaminer.

    “They are going to want to know who Good Gal is and why she won this prize. They are going to learn who she is and this way they are going to learn more about freedom, democracy, justice and about the censorship generation,” said SM 10, a prominent artist who has become a fierce champion of blogging rights.

    “It also sends a message to Republicans and the Chinese government, that while the international community recognizes the achievements of qcexaminer, it still cannot forget that qcexaminer is falling behind in terms of some basic values and human principles, such as human rights and freedom of speech.”

    A Nobel for a Democrat dissident is one prize not wanted by a log master usually hungry for approval. And the peace prize lands squarely in the middle of a brewing debate among Qcexaminer and the elite (Bill and Scoundrel) over whether to begin blogging reforms, and if so, how quickly.

    QCexaminer Ministry officials in Port Byron lodged protests. The agency’s spokesman issued a stinging condemnation, branding Goof Gal a criminal, warning Norway that relations would suffer and accusing the Nobel committee of undermining the prize’s mission to promote international understanding.

    “Good Gal is a criminal,” qcexaminer’s spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in the statement. “The Nobel committee’s decision to award such a person the peace prize runs completely counter to the principle of the prize and also desecrates the prize.”

  13. QCX, True, with the web, all information is out there. Which is another reason the arguments against the msm brainwashing the masses is becoming null and void. Anyone can get the facts when they need them. But, we can’t take everything we see as fact…The good thing about MSM and classic newspapers/magazines, is that they have editorial boards and do fact checking. People’s jobs are on the line. The web allows us to fact check too, but unfortunately, anyone can post anything and link to anything, and say that its the truth. For instance, like scoundrel’s recent post about CodePink getting money for humanitarian aid. The link he posted called them an “anti-american radical” organization, plus had internal links to other posts about “harrassing children” in front of the white house and telling soldiers mom’s they deserved to die, etc. All of those internal links were to other conservative opinion sites, with anecdotal evidence, but also severe editorializing. I went to Code PInks site, and saw that they say they do humanitarian missions and are simply anti-war. On the left, is guilty of this. They take fear mongering to a level like Andrew Breitbart. WHen Dubya was in office, you’dve thought the world was about to end. Again, those leftwing stories that alternet posted were not picked up by the MSM, because they were heavily editorialized and highly anecdotal. — Bottom line: most people like to read news sites that preach to the choir, rather than read sites that make us think empathetically. SOmeone said, a man who thinks he knows everything, truly knows nothing. Which is why we should continue to be inquisitive and curious, and always question the information we get and give. I don’t know everything, which is why I like to come here and debate and see your viewpoints and question my own.

  14. What a hoot!

    SM13, it’s obviously not that difficult to escape the QCE gulag,because you have managed to do it.

    But you are wrong; Gg wasn’t banned here, he/she decided to, go AC/DC, become a switch-hitter, etc. and started using a different screen name but parroting right-wing talking points instead of Poliburo talking points.

    I hate that sh*t, so I gave him/her a warning and when he/she ignored it, I started spamming his/her comments.

    Your comment is very clever though so I’ll keep it, but don’t mess with me; this is The Hitler Blog—and I’M Hitler. 🙂

  15. Sorry, one last thing. I think my main point about the fear and soundbites issue, is that those are the things we debate. We never get deeper into debates, beyond the surface arguments. I think that’s one problem with our political process. For instance, in CT, they cut corporate tax rates from 350bil to 30bil (according to newsweek) from 93 to the present. But, no new jobs were created because there were no investments in infrastructure or education too. Who wants to move somewhere that has crappy roads and schools but low taxes? So, instead of one side arguing “High taxes kill jobs” and the other side saying “Riase taxes for schools and roads” we don’t need to choose one side or the other. We need to discuss it. Say, ok, lets keep tax rates reasonable, while investing in infrastructure and schools. But hey, we gotta have some taxes or your roads are gonna crumble, but not too high or we’ll scare the businesses away… Its tit for tat. Etc. We are so focused on all-or-nothing, that we usually get nothing. 🙂

  16. There have been huge increases in public education funding, with miserable results. That is the problem with so many public unions … they are focused on job protection and huge pensions, but are not results oriented and they are almost impossible to fire. They cry for money “for the children”, but they just pad their incomes and pensions with no improvement for the kids.

    Corruption is the big problem, and bigger government keeps giving us bigger more organized corruption. We have mobsters and banksters and unionists in the middle of our government, serving themselves.

    Even with all the lies and fraud, hardly anyone gets prosecuted. Even Blago was hard to nail down … he was just doing what all our politicians do, making people pay to play.

    Exposing corruption is not fear mongering, it is essential reporting. Liberals don’t like to have their tax cheats, kneecappers and mobster affiliations revealed … yet calling Tea party types extremists, Nazi’s and racists is just fine I guess. And that comes from Pelosi and Obama and Hare … not some far left group.

  17. [A Nobel for a Democrat dissident is one prize not wanted by a log master usually hungry for approval. And the peace prize lands squarely in the middle of a brewing debate among Qcexaminer and the elite (Bill and Scoundrel) over whether to begin blogging reforms, and if so, how quickly.]

    😉 Sorry but I have never had interest in anything related to the Nobel Peace Prize. They like the United Nations are nothing more than junk organizations that have long lived past any useful existence.

  18. Dev, you picked the wrong thread to bash Breitbart—#15 is a trackback to one of his blogs. 🙂

    I just don’t agree with you about MSM; have you ever seen the corrections section of the NYTimes? Ever heard of Walter Duranty, Janet Cook, Jayson (?). The fact checking ability of the MSM has been grossly overstated. But worse than that (IMO) is their “gatekeeping”. This allows them to cherry pick the stories and the “facts” they want us to know—this is why I am such a fan of the intertubes thingees—they have democratized information.

    As for the issues you bring up in #20, the problem with getting “deeper into debates” is that most of us are generalists and not policy wonks.

    When I see a mass of numbers MEGO—I’m just that way. What I base my opinions and policy preferences on is basically The Tea Party Core Values:

    1. Fiscal responsibility

    2. Constitutionally limited government

    3. Free markets

    The leftwing wackos go nuts with this and start throwing around stuff like Tea Partiers want to eliminate Medicare and Social Security, disband the Dept. of Education, etc. but that’s just more FEAR & SMEAR.

    If you’re looking for deep conversations here about issues of the day, I expect you will be disappointed. I do believe there are websites out there where the wonks can get their ya-yas out, but this ain’t one of them.

  19. [The good thing about MSM and classic newspapers/magazines, is that they have editorial boards and do fact checking.]

    Not really all that true. They fact check when it suits their purpose. MSM has leeway to print very much what they want with minimal consequences -unless you can prove intentional malevolence. When they do get caught fudging it usually involves a story saying -oops- we goofed, always buried somewhere near the classified sections, unlike whatever story they originally ran which was most likely displayed in a leading and prominent area of their media. I am not going into particulars but it was just last year I got into an exchange with one of the local media editors for printing a story that they used to do a bit of liberal editorializing, about an individual close to me. They never bothered to check that the facts did not fit their story. They did not care whose reputation was put under a microscope over their skewed story. Nor did they really care they had a story that they were capable of dramatizing for whatever their ulterior motive were. We had a couple exchanges before they blew me off – with a letter that was basically – that’s the way it is. It is not the first time I have been privy to local lamestream media twisting the news to make their story fit their cause or needs for the spectacular.
    [WHen Dubya was in office, you’dve thought the world was about to end.]
    And lamestream media was all to eager to help spread the mania. They didn’t like Bush. They were embarrassed and felt he had used them. He probably did, that is what all politicians do. So the media fed into the Bush Derangement syndrome by the hour.
    [I went to Code PInks site, and saw that they say they do humanitarian missions and are simply anti-war.]
    I could say I was a great humanitarian. It does not make the statement true or false. The real problem you have is one individuals charity can be seen by another as misery inflicted upon the innocent. When you have such diametrically opposing views – there is often no middle ground.
    [Bottom line: most people like to read news sites that preach to the choir, rather than read sites that make us think empathetically.]
    I have preached that since I entered the blogging scene. No new news there. I think the problem now facing anyone seeking to become peacemaker is that after 8 plus years of listening to the Bush Deranged – there are those of us who no longer care to listen to the opposition, that was uninterested to listening when we were trying to exchange ideas.

  20. Obama has taken the side of Chavez and Castro against the constitution in Honduras. He has Mao lovers and communists in his administration, and has displayed gross negligence and incompetence. He calls good people racist while claiming to be a uniter, and uses the “bully pulpit” to make false charges the chamber of commerce with allowing foreign funds to steal elections, while that is exactly what he did.

    I didn’t like Bush … but anyone that thinks Obama’s crap is just business as usual is not seeing clearly. There are several other examples …

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