Surrounded By Hostile Savages, The Philster Calls In The Cavalry

Chris Cilliza:

“The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has reserved time in Davenport, Iowa, and the Champaign-Springfield-Decatur, Ill., media markets—likely for Rep. Phil Hare (D-Ill). Hare is perhaps the biggest surprise among members the DCCC has spent money on thus far, but recent GOP polling has shown him in the 30s.”

I’ll bet it was a “surprise” for the DCCC to be forced to spend $$$$ in a district where the incumbent has waaaay more campaign cash than his challenger and that was gerrymandered specifically to keep Lane Evans in power, no matter how feeble he became.

But wait! There’s more help coming over the horizon from the left flank:

“Darcy Burner, executive director of and the Progressive Congess Action Fund . . . said her group and other progressives are focused on helping candidates such as . . . Rep. Phil Hare in Illinois.”

Apparently there aren’t enough homegrown “progressives” in the 17th CD to save Hare’s scalp—which is part of his problem.

Author: qcexaminer

None of your damned business.

12 thoughts on “Surrounded By Hostile Savages, The Philster Calls In The Cavalry”

  1. Like I have said, Congressman Phil Hare will spend up to seven million dollars to keep his seat. His seat will be won with the help of Roger Davis. Phil Hare is a pro and Davis is the insurance Phil Hare will enjoy.

  2. Swingvote, Once Phil Starts with his advertisements Bobby will be doomed. If worse comes to worse Phil can always run a commercial for Davis ensuring Our Congressman keeps his seat.
    Whatever way Phil wants to play this he can.

  3. Don’t you think Democrats will vote for Davis because they can’t stand to think of voting for Phil Hare?

    No matter how much Hare spends spreading likes and smearing Bobby…the people are too smart now and its not going work.

    If you don’t believe me…look at the Corzine/Christie election in New Jersey.

    “We will not lose this election” –Barack Obama at a Corzine fundraiser.

    Bye Bye Hare

  4. Congressman Phil Hare has every vote that he is going to get this go around. There is no way that any Hare voter is going to vote for Davis. Roger K Davis will get 3 to 5% of the Hare haters votes that would otherwise be Schilling votes.

  5. Phil Hare can’t run effective ads if he is the thing people are mad about. He voted for the healthcare bill that no one wanted, he borrowed us away to China and he has turned his back to the constitution. Its done.

  6. Congressman Phil Hare has all the votes that he will get. A novice would not realize that Nobody is voting for Bobby but against the Government. The problem is that the race will down to how many points will Our Congressman Phil Hares stoog Roger Davis get. Four percent for Davis will be an easy victory for Congressman Phil Hare. Bobby never saw this one coming.
    Congressman Hare is an old pro and Bobby Schilling is a novicecc

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  8. Congratulations to Cong. Hare for having the foresight to enter Roger K. Davis into the race. The poll you mention has no basis in fact, as Roger wasn’t included in the poll. Hare’s polling which factors in Roger shows him (DAVIS) taking up to 5% of Schilling’s vote.

    Given Cong. Hare’s wise play, Davis will be the difference in this contest. Nicely played Cong. Hare.

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