The Kiss Of Death

Rich Miller has a huge roundup of the aftermath of the
Scott Lee Cohen debacle, with all the finger-pointing and blame gaming. Along with all that, Miller includes  a nifty map by the Chicago Sun-Times that shows which counties were won by which Lt. Governor candidate.

Miller had this aside:

“. . . note that Rep. Mike Boland won all of the Quad Cities area, even though Congressman Phil Hare endorsed Terry Link, who did not exactly run a great campaign.”

From this I gather that when Congressman Phil Hare offers to endorse your candidacy, the smartest thing to do is run away!

Author: qcexaminer

None of your damned business.

20 thoughts on “The Kiss Of Death”

  1. Congressman Phil Hare endorsed Terronez Ewert, Kinney, Vershore, Darrow, and Ahearn. These candidates all had the Congressman’s help and they all one. It is easy to show that one of PhilHare’s people lost but how about props on the wins.
    Can anyone blame Hare for not supporting Boland who ran dismally against Congressman Phil Hare.

  2. I can believe Hare endorsed all the people you say he did—although I have no proof—but Dennis Ahern?

    Get real Beth, this is unbelievable for two reasons:

    1. Lack and Hare were co-workers and fellow Evans toadys, and

    2. Ahern is not an extremist leftwinger like Hare.

    Sorry, but I just don’t believe Hare endorsed Ahern, and I don’t have proof for the others, either, but at least they seem more likely.

    As for Boland—you would have to brain-dead to endorse him, which is why I thought McNeil made a major error by touting Boland’s endorsement.

    But rather than endorse a poor candidate like Link, why didn’t Hare just decline to endorse ANY candidate? I’m thinking there might have been some $$$$ in it for Hare—at least if history is a guide.

  3. I guess you didn’t get the memo T, because you would know that it doesn’t matter what they won, because they ONE.

  4. I have a medical condition called dyslexia and I would appreciate it if you would not make fun of this serious condition. This has been very liberating to actually communicate in writing for this blog. I wish you wold be more sensative to differences. Oh ya you are Republicans. You are against differences.

  5. Everyone knows Hare and Lack are bitter rivals because Lane always liked Jerry more than Phil. As well everyone knows Congressman Hare didn’t try very hard in his race against Boland, but still clubbed him. So what if a bunch of hillbillies didn’t vote for Hare’s choice, they did in Chicago where Phil is financially strong with the Lake front Liberals!

  6. I think that Ahern is a classy guy. With that being said, even if Hare endorsed Ahern, I am sure that Ahern would decline the endorsement and tell Hare that they are fundamentally opposed to each other on almost every issue, especially the life issue.

  7. I’m glad Ahern won the primary. The last thing our state needs is more pro-choice Democrats. Unlike Hare, Dennis understands if a women is raped or impregnated by her father she should deliver the baby. Dennis is also the only Democrat to oppose opening Thomson Prision and Hare’s precious pig plant. Dennis will allow us carry handguns and use them when minorities and poor people act out. Ahern is for Republicans, Independents and conservative Democrats!

  8. I just wonder Mandy if ya’ll Phil sycophants ever think that Hare is out of touch with the people in this area. They may lean Democrat, but for God’s sake they don’t lose there balance and fall to the left of Nancy Pelosi. The people of the 17th, are fair and decent folks who want government to do what it should, not come around every election year pandering for votes, and promising jobs. Oh I probably should apologize for evoking God in the post, there doesn’t seem to be any room for him in your leftest agenda. Though if God was part of a PAC from outside of the District, I am sure Phil would take his money too.

  9. So phil hare believes that abortion is only okay in cases of rape and incest?

    That’s pretty tricky for a couple reasons.

    The whole reason that abortion is deemed “wrong” is because some believe that it is a “human being”

    So if phil hare believes that abortion is wrong, because it is a human life that is being snuffed out, then what makes the baby/”human produced” from a case of rape or incest, any less of a human being? Are products of rape not 100 percent human? Are they lacking souls?

    Could someone please explain? I’m pro-choice, but that’s because I don’t believe that a fetus is truly a human being. If I believed that it was, I couldn’t possibly justify killing it for any reason besides to save the life of the mother.

    I have a huge problem with apologetic supporters of abortion, like Phil Hare.

  10. Wow, Mandy. You certainly extole all the virtues of Denny Ahern, but fail to mention the fact that job one for him will be to return Mike Madigan to the Speaker’s job (after all he accepted Madigan’s filthy Chicago money, right??). For that reason, and the fact that Rich Morthland is a great candidate, I will cast my vote for Morthland and not for Ahern.

  11. Morthland did not have his first name on his yard signs. What is he trying to hide. Ahearn will mop the floor with Morthland. Ahearn will have all the cash in this race. Ahearn knows how to raise cash and with Congressman Phil Hare on the ticket the coat tails will be pulling even the weakest Democrats.

    November will bring Victory for Ahearn and Hare.

  12. Ahern seems like an alright guy who seems to genuinely care about the people in the area. That’s why he took money from one of the one of the all time thugs of Chicago politics. Sorry did I miss something here. Chicago is a great city with great sports teams, and fine people. However, none of them seem to be in the political class. Madigan is a major cause for the condition in this state. Why should we send someone to Springfield to endorse that behavior? We need to Make Illinois Great Again not set on the sidelines and let another Chicago pick run our lives and pay higher taxes for the privilege? That is not for me, my choice is Morthland, I know I can trust him to vote HIS conscience and not that of Chicago leadership.

  13. Beth I might be mistaken but wasn’t it you that proclaimed that Lebowitz would win because he had his last name on the signs? Nick probably would have won too, if the fuzz wouldn’t have knocked on the door before the primary. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first or last name on a sign. What matters is message. Morthland has the message and the experience, as the only elected official in the race.

    As far as Hare’s coattails, you might want to check the length before you go promising them to other candidates.
    This will be an amazing year, We will make Illinois Great Again. Starting with the 71st, and continuing to the 17th.

  14. If Mike Boland gets the Lt Governors position then it will be an easy clean sweep for the Democrats here. Mike Boland will bring out the Democrats for the first QC native to hold state wide office since Senator Mike Jacobs relation Charlie Carpentier was Secretary of State.
    I think even you would vote a straight Democratic ticket if Mike Boland was running for Lt Gov.

  15. Hold on a moment. I just spilled my coffee from laughing so hard. I would never vote straight ticket for either party especially the Dems. What have they done in this county, except secure power for themselves, and their level best to destroy the economy? Before you start on the whole Bush is the demon speech, it has been over a year for Obama to right the ship- he hasn’t, and Obama is losing the Independents in mass. Actually he lost them in Mass. LOL remember 41 Beth, thought you might. Actually tell me why I should even consider voting for any Dem this or any other election cycle. The group has done such am outstanding job in the state proving what they can do, raising taxes and deficits right along with it. We need to send Morthland down to Springfield and Schilling to DC. Those votes will give people from Illinois something to be proud of, and Make Illinois Great Again.

  16. I heard on the radio today Quinn wants Mike Boland to be our appointed Lt. Governor. I am so glad his wife, Mary Boland, won her tough relection campaign for Centeral Committeewomen. Now Mary can vote for her husband and give him the victory he so richly deserves. I am pleased Mary is in a political position to boost her husbands politcal career. Chicago is about to learn that they are not the only ones with political dynastys (Daely, Madigan, Hynes, etc).

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