Your Cheatin’ Heart Will Tell On You

Well, this will make Obama’s VP search easier.

Thanks to the example that Bill Clinton set, I can’t really work up much outrage about this. Some people are fuming at the rank hypocrisy, but in an election cycle that has been 95% hypocrisy, I can’t get worked up about that either. Some think this is just flat-out hilarious and are gleefully making jokes, but not me.

To me, this is just hokey—another example of a powerful middle-aged man, taking a risk and in the process hurting his wife, his children and his reputation (maybe), just because he could.

Author: qcexaminer

None of your damned business.

18 thoughts on “Your Cheatin’ Heart Will Tell On You”

  1. I really don’t believe the story.

    I am sure that Edwards was at the LA hotel, in the back ally, checking out the homeless problem that might have existed there.

  2. If the story IS true, it will be Edwards who is homeless when he gets kicked out of his 28,000 sq. ft. McMansion—or maybe Mrs. Edwards is as forgiving as Mrs. Clinton—if he’s lucky!

  3. Robbie, at first I was skeptical too, but when I read the article, it looks to me like they nailed him.

    Who else is gonna do this kind of important reporting? The establishment press is too busy shilling for Obama, highlighting the gaffe of the day and playing up the latest trumped up poll results.

    Of course, just to be safe, you’ll notice I didn’t name names in my post! 😀

    PS: I just had a thought—since Edwards was being vetted for VP (it looks like Nunn will get it by default!) I wonder if this wasn’t leaked to the Enquirer by some Dem insider? Oooooh, I LOVE a good conspiracy theory!

  4. The good new for Edwards is none of you right wing fools can accuse him of being gay now. Other than that, there isn’t much upside for him. Maybe Hillary could loan Elizabeth her trusty frying pan.

  5. Hey! Guess what you find when you do a google search on “Edwards Mistress?” All you will find besides the National Equirer site itself are right-wing blogs. Absolutely no news organization is picking up this story. Only extreme right-wing blogs like this one are paying any attention to it. Either it is a vast conspiracy, or the National Enquirer has zero credibility.

  6. …or maybe the liberal press is going to overlook this as long as possible. Maybe, just maybe, the ‘vast conspiracy’ is on the part of the very liberal press?

    You know, the press that sent EVERY anchor to the Middle east with Obama (and not once, in three trips, with McCain).

    I heard it on the radio today, so someone is carrying it.

    How blind might you be Dave?

  7. mowen, you find it more likely that no one in mainstream media will run this story because of a gigantic left wing conspiracy than the fact that it is false??? seriously???

    if it was at all true, wouldn’t fox news run it??? they cannot be classified as liberal and are certainly mainstream. wouldn’t your buddy hannity’s head be exploding right about now with such great breaking news???

    and by the way, if the media is so influential and powerful, why have we had mostly republicans presidents for several decades, and spent 12 years with a republican controlled congress??? i know there is a lot of hippy liberals in the press corps, but c’mon, that argument is getting pretty stale.

  8. Robbie,

    If you see the mainstream media as nuetral, then there is little hope for you, and you are blindly ultra-liberal as you have always proven yourself to be.

    Why do you suppose that every single news ANCHOR is in the Middle east with Obama – yet NOT ONE has ever chosen to go there with McCain (when they have had numerous opportunities, based on his numerous trips)?

    Further, when the Edwards affair is proven true, and if it is true, it will be proven, will that convince you of the liberal bias in the mainstream media?

  9. Jack Shafer, who does media criticism for Slate thinks the reason this story hasn’t hit the mainstream media is because they have a double standard concerning politician’s sexual hypocrisy: homo-hypocrisy like Larry Craig’s gets reported and repeated over and over, while hetero-hypocrisy like Jesse Jackson and Edwards gets a pass.

    Who knows if that’s true, but that’s his opinion.

    A LATimes opinion piece says lefty blogs are talking about this (i.e. talkleft and wonkette) and that Edwards had signaled his interest in being VP, but just before this story broke, he announced he was going to devote his energies to a campaign to end poverty.

    My personal opinion is that the establishment press won’t report this since it looks like Edwards has either been given the heave-ho by the Obama campaign, or has taken himself out of the running for VP.

    They would also have to take time out from worshipping The One, which they aren’t likely to do. 😀

  10. mowen, did i say the media is neutral? no. didn’t think so.

    but certainly fox news would be all over this if there was any truth behind it. because they are by no means liberal. thats what i was saying.

    why did all the anchors go with obama? because he is a press whore. because people like to hear about obama. it pumps up ratings for them to be there. and if anything, i bet as soon as 1 network decided to tag along, the other 2 had to follow suit to try and keep up. and think about it, mccain has been several times, so its nowhere near as newsworthy. but isn’t this obamas first trip? which of course makes it all the more sexy to the tv execs. those are the things i would think up. and notice none of them have to do with political party. an illinois example would be aaron schock down in peoria. the press regularly kiss his ass and its not because hes a republican, but because hes the young hot politician.

    and if the edwards story ends up as real, i think a lot will depend. if the msm was indeed sitting on good evidence, then certainly it would make them look less credible. personally i could give a shit though. i already see both the press and politicians as worthless, so i don’t care.

  11. Never sell the national enquirer. They like dirt and do not mind printing it. You have to give them credit as the dirt often turns out correct. And they print a large amount of dirt. They have lost several lawsuits over their penchant for printing dirt. They have not had to face many more lawsuits than they have lost because the dirt has factual information included. You can bet they cost evaluated printing the information before they plastered the supermarket with their tabloid as they do not have the same libel protections as newspapers and TV-Radio media.

  12. I agree Bruce – of course it is true. One & one indeed equals two.

    qce brings up a good point, I do not know that the Jesse Jackson affair/ child ever hit the mainstream liberal press.


    Robbie, you are trying to tap dance around the news anchor’s in the Middle East issue. Is it newsworthy – certainly! Does the public want to know about it – well, maybe more than McCain, but…

    The story is still the story, even if covered by a pool-reporter. The fact that THE ANCHORS went indeed shows their love affair with Obama, and that they are in the bag for Obama.

    Is this a big deal – of course not, unless you are selling yourself as non-partisan and fair. Millions of people tune into these stations thinking that they are getting the real news – and they are getting nothing more than liberal propoganda.

    This is the issue.

  13. tiger,
    Of course they are “in the bag” for Obama! I have seen a shift in the news coverage in the last week on NBC and ABC. I don’t watch Fox but if you say they are shifting toward Obama I will take your word for it. The one issue that McCain had an edge in the polls on was the War in Iraq. Now that Obama has gone there and been hailed by the government of Iraq as having been right all along on withdrawing troops in 16 months and been well received by all the foregin leaders it is clear that McCain has had his one issue cut out from beneath him. It is now overwhelmingly clear to all the insiers that starting in January there is going to 4 years of a Democratic presidency and a huge Democratic majority in Congress.
    Let me explain how a Democratic shift in the news media will work. Since Edwards is not an elected official or a candidate and there is no hypocrisy factor since he has not been a sexual morality scold or moralizer then whether he cheats on his wife or not is NOT a news story.

  14. Dave,

    I agree entirely that the Network News should not cover the Edwards story – or the sexual exploits of anyone (unless they lie to a Grand Jury about it).

    However, the cable shows indeed cover these issues when it is a Republican, specifically the ‘entertainment’ news shows.

    I would debate the ‘Obama hailed as right all along” comment.

    The (possible) ability to withdraw troops in such a timeframe is possible solely because the surge worked – the surge that Obama was agreesively opposed to.

    It is all perspective, as to Obama – anyone that is thinking logically would have to ask themselves – HOW CAN WE VOTE A MAN POTUS THAT HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN TO GERMANY!?

    This trip has benefit for Obama, but it also, if one is looking, shows his incredible lack of experience.

  15. The game of hide and go seek is over. It sounds like the reporters were tipped and waiting for Edwards to visit her room.Edwards might as well come completely clean on this. The man has a wife fighting cancer and he is busy visiting his mistress and love child. At least if he comes out and admits the situation the news will become less titillating and eventually play out.,2933,391426,00.html

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